2025 Board Supervisor Elections

§32-1-804, §1-13.5, C.R.S.
WHEREAS, the terms of office of Supervisors BART ADAMS and TREVOR ARONSON shall expire after their successors are elected at the regular special District election to be held on May 6, 2025, ("Election") and take office; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Special District Act ("Act") and the Colorado Local Government Election Code ("Code"), the Election must be conducted to elect TWO Directors to serve for a term of four (4) years; and
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of SUPERVISORS of the FREMONT CONSERVATION District in the County of FREMONT, State of Colorado that:
I. The regular election of the eligible electors of the District shall be held on May 6, 2025, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. pursuant to and in accordance with the Act, Code. and other applicable laws. At the time, TWO Directors will be elected to serve a four-year term.
2. There shall be a polling place at the following location: 248 DOZIER AVE CANON CITY situated in the County of FREMONT, State of Colorado. The polling place located at 248 DOZIER AVE CANON CITY shall also be the polling place for disabled electors and for eligible electors not residing within the District. If the Designated Election Official deems it to be more expedient for the convenience of the eligible electors of the District (who are also eligible electors in other special districts with overlapping boundaries which are conducting elections on the Election day), the Election may be held jointly with such special districts in accordance with coordinated election procedures as set forth in an agreement between all participating special districts. In such event, the election precincts and polling places shall be as set forth in such agreement. The Designated Election Official is authorized to execute such agreement on behalf of the District, which agreement shall include provisions for the allocation of responsibilities for the conduct and reasonable sharing of costs of the coordinated Election.
3. Applications for absentee ballots may be filed with the Designated Election Official at the address indicated on the Call for Nominations, no later than the close of business on the Tuesday immediately preceding the election day (April 29, 2025).
4. The Designated Election Officials of local governments with overlapping boundaries that hold elections the same day by polling place must meet, confer, and thereafter, if practical, hold such elections in a manner that permits an elector in the overlapping area to vote in all of such elections at one polling place. If applicable, Designated Election Official is authorized to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with such local governments on behalf of the District concerning the election procedures and any cost sharing associated with coordinating the use of one polling place.
5. The Board of SUPERVISORS hereby designate DANIEL MORSE as the Designated Election Official of the District, who is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with any action necessary or appropriate to effectuate the provisions of this Resolution and the Act, Code, or other applicable laws. The Election shall be conducted in accordance with the Act, Code, and other applicable laws. Among other matters, the Designated Election Official shall publish the call for nominations, appoint election judges as necessary, appoint the Canvass Board, arrange for the required notices of election, and printing of ballots, and direct that all other appropriate actions be accomplished.
6. Self-Nomination and Acceptance forms are available at the Designated Election Official's office located at the above address. All candidates must file a Self-Nomination and Acceptance form with the Designated Election Official no earlier than January 1, 2025, nor later than the close of business (time: 4:00 p.m.) on Friday, February 28, 2025.
7. If the only matter before the electors is the election of SUPERVISORS of the District and if, at the close of business on March 4, 2025, there are not more candidates than offices to be filled at the Election, including candidates timely filing affidavits of intent no later than March 3, 2025, the Designated Election Official shall cancel the Election and declare the candidates elected. Notice of such cancellation shall be published and posted in accordance with the Code. The Notice and this resolution, signed by the Board Chair, shall be filed with the Division of Local Government.
8. Pursuant to Section 1-11-203.5, C.R.S., any election contest arising out of a ballot question election concerning the order of the ballot or the form or content of the ballot title shall be commenced by petition filed with the proper court within five (5) days after the title of the ballot question is set.
9. If any part or provision of this Resolution is adjudged to be unenforceable or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Resolution, it being the Board's intention that the various provisions hereof are severable.
10. Any and all actions previously taken by the Designated Election Official or the Secretary of the Board of SUPERVISORS or any other persons acting on their behalf pursuant to the Act, the Code or other applicable laws, are hereby ratified and confirmed.
11. All acts, orders, and resolutions, or parts thereof, of the Board which are inconsistent or in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency or conflict.
12. The provisions of this Resolution shall take effect immediately
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 8th day of JANUARY, 2025.
2025 Elections Resolutions.pdf